
24 October 2019

V Polish Bilingual Day

The idea of the Polish Bilingual Day is to promote Polish language in daily affairs in Polish homes all around the world.

As a parents of bi- or multilingual kids, we know how hard it is to execute even minimal usage of Polish language at home. For our kids, Polish is the second language. One of those "school subjects", something that needs to be learnt and tested. They speak English in regular school, while playing and socializing, almost 24/7 and switching to Polish is a hard process. Yes, we the parents, know very well all the whining, "whatevers" and "what-fors". Yet, we are persistent and should not give in. We all believe that our effort will pay off someday. Until then, we try to make it easier for the kids to learn Polish while having fun. To engage them in many different activities to broaden their vocabulary and knowledge. And every year, Polish Bilingual Day gives us the opportunity for some unusual day at school.

This year we'd decided to use the Bilingual Day as an opportunity to learn more about our school's patron, Jan Karski. Our amazing teachers came up with lots of games and activities for all ages, for adults, too. Everything was connected with Jan Karski's life and biography. Thanks to Wojtek, we can share with you the short movie about this event.

Support Our School

Because we are a non-profit organization, every support is a great help for our school. Thank you!

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