Important information about parental duty
As a safety measures, to keep our children safe and well and to help run the school, every family is required to fulfill the parental duties two or three times per school year. In general, the parents on duty are responsible for preparing classes before the school starts and clean up afterwards, run a cafeteria and watch out for kids during the recesses.
There are 3-4 families in each duty group. At least one person from each family (or sub) is required to be present on the assigned date. Detailed list of what needs to be done and when is enclosed below.
Averagely, each family has assigned two or three dates during the school year. Exceptions from the duty is made for the teachers and students from the Polish 101 for adults class. For everybody else, there is a $100 deposit required to be paid in full when registering a child. At the end of the school year, each family decides it they want that deposit back or to rollover it to the next school year. This money serves as an reassurance that the family will fulfill the duties on the assigned dates. If there is any kind of conflict and a family isn't able to fulfill the duties on the assigned dates, they are responsible for finding subs among other parents. Switching dates between families, as long as it's being communicated to the person responsible for the duty, is accepted.
If the family fails to fulfill the duty on the assigned date without providing any subs, the deposit is written off to school and needs to be paid again asap.